- 通信地址: 经管西楼214
- 电子邮箱: hhj@fzu.edu.cn
硕士招生: 学术型:管理科学与工程,专业型:工业工程与管理,工商管理(非全日制)
学术兼职:国际会议HCI International 2022 Program Board: Cross-Cultural Design
2. Huang, H., Chen, Y., & Rau, P.-L. P. (2021). Exploring acceptance of intelligent tutoring system with pedagogical agent among high school students. Universal Access in the Information Society. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10209-021-00835-x
3. Huang, H., Liu, L., Fu, Z., Zhang, Y., Zhang, J., Tsai, Y., … Rau, P.-L. P. (2021). Design, Implementation, and Evaluation of an Information System to Enhance Road Safety Level for Pedestrians in China. Mobile Information Systems, 2021, 9987332. https://doi.org/10.1155/2021/9987332
4. Huang, H., & Rau, P.-L. P. (2020). The first–second language influence on framing effects and loss aversion of balanced bilinguals. International Journal of Bilingualism, 24(2), 129–140. DOI: 10.1177/1367006918813646
5. Huang, H. , & Rau, P. . (2019). Cooperative trust and trustworthiness in china and the united states: does guanxi make a difference?. Social Behavior and Personality An International Journal, 47(5), 1-11. DOI: 10.2224/sbp.7779
6.Huang, H., & Patrick Rau, P. L. (2023). How to Provide Feedback? The Role of Robot’s Language and Feedback Framework. International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction, 1–17. https://doi.org/10.1080/10447318.2023.2223946